A free alternative to adultsearch, we have 100% verified escort listings and casual encounters.
Our listings cover the entire United States and Canada and there is always a female escort nearby for you to meet on adult search.
Our team does a background check on the females using our platform to make sure you are dealing with real women who are real escorts.
Not sure about meeting someone? We have thousands of reviews from other men to help you decide whether to meet or find someone else!
Community of like minded people who are looking for escorts.
Whether you want to meet your female escort at a hotel, apartment, her place or yours... we got options.
Chat with escorts using our messenger, share pics, video chat, or share location for meeting up in person!
Meet a woman nearby using adult search!
The most beautiful escorts you will find are here on adult search pro!
More and more people are ditching dating apps like tinder and bumble and joining our free adult classifieds to find a local escort. We make it easier to meet women in your city who are looking for casual sex and nothing serious. On adult search you get access to a huge pool of female escorts providing service in your city or town. Not only do we personally check and verify all the listings and women using this site, we also give you many different ways to connect with them and make plans. From our in-house "escort messenger" to a quick video chat before meeting, we strive to give you the best experience possible when it comes to finding a local escort.
Unlike dating apps we don't make you pay to play or view information. Phone numbers and addresses are available with just a free membership, and you can make plans and meet right away without needing a credit card. Just make sure before meeting to communicate clearly what you are looking for and when you are available. We also recommend that you use our free video chat before getting together in person so you can see who you are dealing with first. We make every attempt to keep you safe and make sure you are only dealing with real women who are located where they say. We recommend you never send money before meeting in person. Always meet in a safe place. We hope your experience on adult search is enjoyable and brings you all the satisfaction you are looking for.
What can I expect from escorts on adult search?
Escort services provide companionship for social events, dates, or private encounters. Although if people are just looking for a regular date they are more likely to use dating apps versus escort classifieds. Many escorts operate independently, advertising their services here on adult search or through agencies. Clients can book outcalls, where escorts meet them at specified locations, or incalls at the escort's chosen venue. The reason why people hire escorts vary from person to person.
The legal status of adult services varies widely by jurisdiction. In many places, escort services operate in a gray area, with the exchange of companionship for money being legal, but specific sexual services prohibited. For this reason some choose to look for a friend with benefits here on adult search rather then an escort. It all depends on your preferences.
Ethical considerations are paramount. Consent, safety, and respect for all parties involved are non-negotiable. We strongly advocate for the rights and well-being of sex workers and emphasize the importance of treating them with dignity.
Escort reviews on adult search
Reviews play a significant role in the adult industry. These give you the direct experience from another person to consider as feedback. here on adult search we allow beautiful independent escorts to create profiles and receive client reviews. All escorts using our service are required to maintain an updated profile with accurate information and high-quality photos.
Encouraging satisfied clients to leave positive reviews can boost credibility and attract new business. Responding professionally to reviews, both positive and negative, demonstrates commitment to client satisfaction.
To start searching for adults in your area who are ready to hookup, create your membership and start browsing your area!